Throughout the past decades and especially in recent years, black experiences are recorded and replayed to the public. We are overloaded with images and videos of the black community being killed, over-policed, and mass incarcerated. All of which have been racially charged and entirely traumatic, as it seems like our suffering is the constant theme of our entire existence. Yes, we come from a place of suffering but there are so many beautiful things that we come from as well. I wanted to create these illustrations that no longer placed our sadness and anxieties on a pedestal nor centralizes suffering as the hallmark and identity of our experiences. It is only an aspect of the broader perspective of living life while black. Instead, I portrayed all the reasons why I am proud to be black. I decided to create something that highlighted an array of the beautiful complexities within black culture. B.A.P. (Black And Proud) is a project that is centered around blackness and what it means to be black and proud. Through various conversations that I have with friends, family and students, I addressed these questions, “How do you identify racially/ethnically? Are you proud to be black? What does being black and proud mean to you? ”