Inspired by Terence Maluleke's KING OF OURSELVES (2021)

“Being unapologetic about your experience — either it be through the way you dress, through the way you speak, through the way that you wear your hair. I’d say for me, a way that I try to show it is in my hair in having locs and also going into the business world. That’s not really something that most people advise black young business people because the world is full of people who still perceive you to be foolish or to be less qualified by having locs and having this type of skin. For me, this is my personal showing of my proudness of who I am. In a sense this is the most natural your hair could be. It’s your hair growing your hair and it’s also a journey because it doesn’t fit in American beauty standards at the same time too.”
— Michael, African American & Caribbean American, 22