“I like our music… We’ve added so much culture to the world. Through jazz, through Motown, rap, Negro-spirituals, gospels, classical. We influenced the world. It’s funny [because] people think that all black folk can dance. It’s funny — you see black folks who can’t dance because we all can’t dance. I’m not the best dancer at all and it’s funny. I like our sense of style. I love our hair — It’s so different...I like the fact that we have kinky hair, straight hair. I like our features. [We have] wide noses, keen noises.
And I like how other Americans want some of our features. They want to be tan. They want full lips, they want a big butt. They want dreadlocks, cornrows. And we’ve contributed so much to the world in terms of culture, science, inventions.”
— Pamela, African American, 60